Comments on: Where are we in the secular (post-2000) bear? Thoughts on the markets and the decline of the west Wed, 30 Nov 2011 09:23:38 +0000 By: Mike Mike Fri, 25 Nov 2011 05:21:30 +0000 Well, if you hold equities in a cash account, I would not worry much about brokers going under, so long as you are within SIPC limits (SIPC and FDIC will probably get unlimited freshly-printed funds from Washington). If you're a true buy-and-hold type of investor you could always just ask for the stock certificates and put them in a fireproof safe! Well, if you hold equities in a cash account, I would not worry much about brokers going under, so long as you are within SIPC limits (SIPC and FDIC will probably get unlimited freshly-printed funds from Washington).

If you’re a true buy-and-hold type of investor you could always just ask for the stock certificates and put them in a fireproof safe!

By: Bjorn Bjorn Wed, 23 Nov 2011 18:53:40 +0000 ". . . select equities could be a nice hard asset to own through the turmoil in the currency and sovereign debt markets" Good point. For those of us who do not hold gold outside of the country those equities might be a preferred asset to hold, given the possibility of gold regulation in the US, which I cannot completely discount. However, do you think a year or so will be enough time to know which brokerages are going to remain solvent over the remaining course of the bear market? Any suggestions in that regard? “. . . select equities could be a nice hard asset to own through the turmoil in the currency and sovereign debt markets”

Good point. For those of us who do not hold gold outside of the country those equities might be a preferred asset to hold, given the possibility of gold regulation in the US, which I cannot completely discount. However, do you think a year or so will be enough time to know which brokerages are going to remain solvent over the remaining course of the bear market? Any suggestions in that regard?
